Oct 2, 2013

The Essential Nature of the Non-essential

In these days of the governmental shutdown we hear of certain jobs being labeled as “non-essential” and “essential”. Though it does not necessarily mean that certain jobs are un-important…it certainly gives off that connotation. But, we must remind ourselves that that is simply not true.

Our vocation is the work by which we glorify God. Of course we think (and rightly so) that Marriage, Religious life, or the Priesthood are the main vocations…but that’s just the base, the foundation of our vocation. That establishes in us a deep understanding of who we are as children of God. What we do as a priest, father, husband, mother, wife, sister, or brother is just as much a part of your vocation, because it is the work by which your interior vocation…your deepest identity…is made physically manifest. That work…that physical manifestation, is essential.

No matter what your work is, it is essential, because you glorify God by contributing to the common good of society. Even if a government body has deemed your job “non-essential”…you are essential…your work is essential, without your work there would be a piece of our society that is missing. Anyone that tells you otherwise is foolish.

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