Jul 9, 2013

Being Word-less in a World of Words

Sometimes life can be so overwhelming that mere words can’t express what’s going on in our hearts, in our minds, or around us…but perhaps that’s a good thing. There are other ways to express ourselves and to vent our frustration.

At some point in your life, you are going to feel disappointed and hurt…no matter who you are…it’s a vulnerability we all open ourselves up to, just by being human. We place our trust in someone, and they let us down…or perhaps, we don’t believe in trusting people, and end up letting ourselves down. Either way, it hurts. And it is okay to be hurt.

Yes, you read that last sentence correctly…it’s okay to be hurt. But it is not okay to hurt someone else, just because you are hurt. So learning to express yourself in a way that does not hurt others, is vitally important.

We can talk to close friends about the issue at hand, however, there will be times when the hurt is so deep that no matter how many words we use, the hurt won’t be conveyed…and we might feel depressingly alone, buried alive under all the pain. Then what should we do? Be silent. Don’t ramble at people, because they might get the wrong idea, and we may say something that we will regret.

Notice that I said, “be silent” and not “bottle it up”…there’s a crucial difference in the two phrases. If we bottle up an emotion, it will manifest itself in the worst possible way…we will explode. It is like putting baking powder and vinegar into a soda bottle, then screwing on the cap…(spoiler alert) it explodes. You need to find a way of expressing yourself, not a distraction. Do something that brings you joy and peace. For example, if there is something bothering me, I will go for a walk or get into my car and just drive…maybe I’ll even take a close friend with me. However, it is important to realize that sometimes we do need time to think about the hurt or disappointment that we feel, we need to spend some time in solitude…and pray.

There’s that evil four-letter word! But the funny thing about prayer (as I’ve mentioned in previous posts) is that words are optional. Sit in quiet, and take that hurt to your Father. Then, feel your Father come to you and hold you. Pour the contents of your heart out in front of Him. Yes, it is okay to cry…especially while you rest in the arms of the one who gave you the ability to cry! But it is important to be silent. Sometimes we need to hear words of comfort, but how will we hear them if we are not listening?

Have the courage to express yourself in a word-less manner. Have the courage to be alone with God. Have the courage to be silent. Only then will you begin to heal.

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